University of Virginia Library

Lecture Series
By R.W. Fleming
Begins Tuesday

R. W. Fleming, President of
the University of Michigan at
Ann Arbor, will deliver the 1968
Page-Barbour lectures: "The University
Now: Reflections of a

Three lectures, each beginning
at 8 p.m. in the South Meeting
Room of Newcomb Hall, will
be given in the series. On Tuesday
Mr. Fleming will speak on
"The University and the Larger
Society." The following evening
he will discuss "Efficiency and
the University," and his Thursday
topic will be "Students —

An authority in the field of
labor relations, Mr. Fleming received
a B.A. degree from Beloit
College and a degree in law from
the University of Wisconsin.
After serving in Washington during
World War II on the War
Labor Board, he returned to
Wisconsin as director of the University's
Industrial Relations

For several years he was Director
of the Institute of Labor
and Industrial Relations at the
University of Illinois, but he returned
again to the University of
Wisconsin as Professor of Law
and Chancellor, until his recent
appointment as President of the
University of Wisconsin. Mr.
Fleming has also served for many
years as an arbitrator in industrial