University of Virginia Library

First-Year Men Study Open Dorm

Plans for the opening of the
first-year dormitories during
Alumni Weekend were discussed
last Tuesday night. There was
further talk of doing the same
for Easters Weekend.

Buzzy Waitzkin, speaking for
the Special Duties subcommittee,
stated that a proposal was sent
to Ralph Main, assistant director
of Housing, showing the dorms
opening from 4 to 7 p.m. on
April 19 and 20, and from 12
to 4 p.m. on Sunday, April 21.
The conduct of the dorms during
this period would be controlled
by the first-year representative.
Parents and guests, including
dates, would be permitted
entrance through this plan.

Sweet Briar College and Mary
Washington College have been
contacted in regards to a bus
trip sponsored by the First-year
Committee to the respective colleges.
It was decided that such a
trip would be far more desirable
than to have the girls come here,
because, when the girls have to
do the traveling, the most desirable
ones usually find something
else to do.

Tom Baker, a representative
from the Alderman Road Committee
spoke to the Committee
about sending a member of the
Committee to their committee in
a liaison nature. There was a motion
to get up a subcommittee
composed of the residents of the
Alderman Road dorms which
would send such a representative
to their meetings.

To close out the meeting,
Chairman Dan Lyons presented
a letter from Herbert Pickett, the
Registrar, requesting that the
members of the First-year Committee
help during next year's
registration. It was agreed upon,
and the meeting was adjourned.