University of Virginia Library

First-Year Men Question Runk
About Organizations On Grounds

By Thom Faulders
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

"Malarky" was the way B. F.
D. Runk, Dean of the University,
described the pass-fail grading
system in his presentation
to the First-Year Committee
Tuesday night.

Mr. Runk answered questions
the first-year men offered after
he discussed the general organization
of the University. His
office, he explained, was to
serve mainly as a liaison between
the students and the President's

When asked about the
NAACP charges that the University
does not extend scholarships
to Negro athletes, Mr.
Runk said they "held no water."
He added, "We've tried to get
good Negro athletes, but they
just don't seem to want to come.
Of course they have to meet
the academic standards too."

He is "vehemently against"
the East-West Highway, saying
that it would be a great mistake.
And when asked his feelings on
coeducation, Dean Runk said
that coeducation would undermine
the tradition and atmosphere
of the University.

One Committee member,
doubting the exact role of the
First-Year Committee, asked
Mr. Runk to explain its role. The
Dean explained that it was developed
by Marshall Coleman "a
few years back" as a sounding
board of the first-year class and
to interest them in student government.

The Committee then proceeded
with their first meeting since January
3. There were the usual
complaints of cockroaches in
Hancock and vending machines
in Lefevre under old business. It
was also found out that the television
room in Humphrey was
closed every time the room was
found littered.

Under new business Dan
Walker and Ted Simon made a
motion that the first-year class,
under the auspices of the First-Year
Committee, boycott the
vending machines to protest the
service provided by the several
companies. The motion was defeated
in favor of discussing the
proposal with the Student Council.