University of Virginia Library

For Committee's Questions

First-Year Men Invite Runk To Meeting

Chairman Dan Lyons suggested
that the First-Year Committee
invite Dean B. F. D.
Runk to attend one of their
meetings in the near future to
clear up any questions committeemen
might have at the meeting
of that committee Tuesday

Chairman Lyons will meet
with Dean Runk sometime this
week to invite Mr. Runk to
speak before the committee. He
will also discuss the possibility
of having Dean Runk meet with
any interested members of the
first-year class to answer any
questions they might have.

Dissatisfaction with the slow
progress of maid service improvements
was voiced. A suggestion
by Jim Gilmore to have
the housing subcommittee work
on a plan of its own, possibly
reverting to the old system of
one maid per hall, and then get
Student Council approval for it
before referring it to the Housing
Office, was referred to that

Jim Brashares, Student Council
representative, suggested that
Will Lindsay, chairman of the
housing subcommittee, get in
touch with Jacques Jones, chairman
of the Student Council
Housing Committee.

The First-Year Committee will
also correspond with other
schools as to how their maid
service works in order to get
suggestions for the improvement
of the University's present service

Jac Sperling introduced a motion
to put ice machines in the
first-year dormitories, as ice
boxes and refrigerators are not
allowed in a student's room.
The motion was referred to the
housing subcommittee for investigation.