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Harvey Cites Danger
Of 'Lazy Americans'

By Stefan Lopatkzanski
Daily Staff

"We stand on the threshold of
an exciting, new era, but it is
not going to be all fun, it is not
going to be all easy."

With these words Paul Harvey,
a radio newscaster who was introduced
as the "conscience of America,"
keynoted a speech
delivered last night in Cabell Hall
Auditorium. The talk, cosponsored
by the Virginians for
Conservative Government and the
University Young Republican
Club, was attended by a near-capacity

"This is a disorderly planet,"
declared Mr. Harvey. "We will
never be able to do without mopping,
sweeping, and hoeing."

"We individually, collectively,
are going to get exactly what we
deserve," he continued, saying that
the resources which America has
invites "sloth and laziness."

Mr. Harvey spoke out against
the extensive welfare programs currently
being conducted in the
United States, and warned that
they are encouraging dangerous
indolence in our country. "I'm
not so worried about 'lousy Communists'
as am about lazy Americans,"
he said.

He pointed out that relief rolls
now include a larger of
people than the combined populations
of four states and said this
number growing twice as fast
as the national population. He
noted that there are today as many
people holding down two jobs as
those with none.

In turning his attention to Viet