University of Virginia Library

Area GOP Hears Talk
By Reagan's Daughter


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Maureen Reagan, daughter of
California Governor Ronald
Reagan, will be the featured
speaker at a banquet sponsored
by the Albemarle County Republican
Committee Saturday at
6:30 p.m. in the Newcomb Hall

The banquet will be preceded
by the Virginia College Young
Republican Campaign Workshop
from 1-5 in Newcomb Hall and
a reception for Miss Reagan
in the Informal Lounge at 5:30.

Miss Reagan, who is Director
of Field Services for Constitutional
Alliance Inc., began her
political career as a volunteer
during the 1960 presidential
campaign in Republican National

In 1962 she returned to California
and became active in
local and state politics, serving
as president of the Walter Knott
Women's Club and
Youth Education Chairman of
the Southern Division of the
California Federation of Republican

A graduate of Marymount
College in Arlington, Miss
Reagan is a member of the National
Federation of Republican
Women, the California Republican
Assembly, and the
California Republican State Central

At the campaign workshop
earlier in the afternoon, Congressman
Bill Scott of Virginia
will speak to a symposium on
campaign techniques. Following
his talk there will be four seminars
on various topics connected
with Young Republican

Tickets for the banquet are
$5 for students including entrance
to the reception. The
workshop will be only $1 with
registration beginning at 11.


Miss Maureen Reagan

Republican Volunteer