University of Virginia Library

Prism Schedules
Panel Discussion
On Sex, Students

Members of the faculty, clergy,
student body and medical profession
will lead a discussion of
"Sex and the Student" tonight at
the Prism.

Dr. Marvin White, clinical
psychologist at the Charlottesville
Mental Health Clinic, William
Elwood of the University's Department
of English, and the Rev.
Arie Bestrebreurtj of the First
Presbyterian Church, will serve
on the moderating panel with students
Charley Davis and Charley

The Prism opens at 8 p.m.,
with the discussion beginning at
9:15 p.m.

Tomorrow the Prism will resume
its regular schedule of Saturday
night music. A variety of
local artists will be on hand to
provide folk and related music,
beginning at 8:30 p.m.