University of Virginia Library


Dean's List Increases

The proportion of students
enrolled in the University of
Virginia's College of Arts and
Sciences who have been named
to the Dean's List of
Distinguished Students has
risen to an all-time high of just
over 50 per cent, according to
figures released last week by
the Dean of the College.

The number of students
making the Dean's List has
grown from 1,043, or 37.78 per
cent of the College, in June of
1970, to 2,864, or 50.22 per
cent, in June of 1973.

Law Award

Third-year law student
David R. Kuney has won the
1973 United States Law Week
Award at the University of
Virginia Law School.

The award, which is
conferred by a faculty
committee, designates Mr.
Kuney as the graduating
student who has made the
most satisfactory progress in
his final year.

In addition to the honor,
Mr. Kuney will receive a year's
subscription to Law Week, a
publication of court decisions
and federal agency rulings,
with the compliments of the
Bureau of National Affairs,
Inc., of Washington, sponsors
of the competition.

New Book

Can the modern world still
learn from the now
unfashionable language of

In a new book Dr. David B.
Harned, professor of religious
studies at the University of
Virginia, argues that the
language of the seven virtues
must not be ignored in man's
effort to discover what
"humanness" means.

His book, "Faith and
Virtue," has just been
published by the United
Church Press.

In a world which has lost its
sense that there is more to
reality than the present
moment and higher values than
relevance to the contemporary
scene, virtue is the best that
man can do for himself, Dr.
Harned says.

Staff Party

The Resident Staff is
sponsoring a wine and beer
party tomorrow night in Webb

The University is cordially
invited to bring grills and food
to cookout in the area before
the party begins at 7p.m.

Admission is 5 cents.