University of Virginia Library

Colloquia To Provide
Career Advice In Fall

Two day-long colloquia and
informal discussions with
representatives of career areas
and graduate and professional
schools are now under planning
for October will provide
students with extensive
information on vocational and
educational fields after college.

Sponsored jointly by
Student Council and the
Placement Office, the programs
will feature representatives of
law, business, and medical
schools, as well as employees
of the federal government,
industries, and other

Evening programs during
the week of October 8-12 will
precede the day-long colloquia
the following week. On three
successive evenings,
representatives of law,
business, and medical schools
will discuss admissions
requirements and other facts of
interest to applicants. Women
and minority admissions
representatives will be present.
Schools represented will
include the University as well
as other universities.

The following week, on
October 16 and 17, two
day-long colloquia are
scheduled to take place from 10
a.m. until 3 p.m. in Newcomb
Hall ballroom. Representatives
of health careers, social work,
education, science careers,
local and state government,
federal government, business
and industries will be on hand
to discuss their fields of
interest with students.

Alumni and parents of
students may be invited as
participants, Mr. Sabato said.

"One of the basic purposes
of the University is obviously
to prepare each student for a
societal role once he or she
leaves the University," Mr.
Sabato said. "This joint
program of Council and the
Placement Office seeks to
fulfill that need and objective."