University of Virginia Library


Council To Sponsor Candidate Reception

Student Council is
sponsoring "Night With The
Candidates" tonight in Webb
Lounge from 7 to 9.

Council Presidential and
Vice Presidential, Council
representative, Judiciary
Committee and senior class
officer candidates will be
present at the reception.

The reception offers
students a chance to learn the
issues, become acquainted with
the candidates and to ask

Free refreshments will be
served. An open Council
meeting will follow the
reception for all those

Petition Deadline

The Amphitheater
Restoration Committee has
requested that all petitions be
returned to the Student
Council office by Wednesday
at the latest. Traffic and
Parking Committee member
Lynn Ivey also urged that
fourth-year men fill in
"amphitheater restoration" on
the "Other" line when voting
for their class gift.


Due to scheduling
problems, Art Prof. Frederick
Hartt and Assoc. Economics
Prof. Kenneth G. Elzinga will
not be speaking tonight in the
Newcomb Hall Informal
Lounge as previously

Course Evaluation

Today is the last day for
students to buy Student
Council's Course Evaluation
book. Copies are on sale in
Newcomb Hall and in Old
Cabell Hall lobby.

Dalton Reception

State Sen. John Dalton, a
contender for the Republican
nomination for Lt. Governor,
will attend a public reception
sponsored by the Law-Grad
Republican Club in the lounge
of Clark Hall basement today
at 4 p.m.

Mr. Dalton, a Law School
graduate and state senator
since 1964, has been identified
with the Holton wing of the
state Republican party. He will
be available for questions
concerning his campaign.

Senior Candidates

Council Elections
Committee announced
yesterday that candidates for
Senior Class President are John
Abbitt, George Allen, Connie
Clark, Scott McWalter, David
Schiltz, and David Sharp.

Kintner Speech

William R. Kintner, political
science professor at the
University of Pennsylvania and
Foreign Policy Research
Institute director, will speak on
"The United States and the
New World Balance of Power,"
today at 3:30 p.m. in the
South Meeting Room,
Newcomb Hall.

The lecture, sponsored by
the Woodrow Wilson
Department of Government
and Foreign Affairs, is open to
the University community.

Medical Volunteers

Madison Hall Medical
Services needs student
volunteers for the operating
room on Mondays, Wednesdays
and Fridays from 9 a.m. to 12
noon. Other positions are

Interested students should
contact Madison Hall at
977-7052 or Rob Moore at