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Council Clarifies Tally Leak
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Council Clarifies Tally Leak

Student Council President
Jim Rinaca and Vice President
Larry Sabato issued a
statement yesterday
concerning an article which
appeared in yesterday's The
Cavalier Daily.

"It should be clearly
understood that the
responsibility for any leak of
election tallies before polls
were closed last Wednesday lies
squarely with the Student
Council, rather than any
individual candidate," they

"Some individuals were
apparently not informed of, or
did not understand the
necessity of holding
preliminary returns in strictest
confidence. Supporters of
many candidates revealed these
returns to others outside of the
tally room during the course of
the afternoon."

"We have taken steps to
correct these procedural flaws
in preparation for this week's
runoff election, and we
sincerely regret any difficulties
which this incident has caused.
We hope that no candidate will
be unjustly penalized for
Council's error."

Deese Speech

Asst. College Dean Ellin K.
Deese will speak on. "Some
Remarks on Teaching and
Learning" tonight at 7:30 in
the Informal Lounge,
Newcomb Hall.

The event is the second in
the University Union's "Only
On Tuesday, But Not
Necessarily" speaker series
which features University
faculty and administration.

Caps And Gowns

The deadline for cap, gown
and hood purchases for
graduation by deans,
department heads and faculty
members is Friday, April 20.
Order forms must be returned
to the Director's Office, 4th
floor Newcomb Hall by this

Orders will be picked up in
the Newcomb Hall Coat Room
on May 31 from 1-4:30 p.m.,
on June 1 and 2 from 9 a.m.
until 4:30 p.m. or on June 3
from 8 a.m.

Rental fees are $10.00 for
cap, gown and hood; and $5.50
for cap and gown only or hood
only. Fees will be collected
when the order is picked up.

Acetate master's or
doctorate's "Econo-gowns"
may be purchased and must be
paid for when ordered.
Master's gowns are $6.25,
doctor's gowns are $10.50 and
hoods are $8.75 for both.

Traditional graduate gowns
in more elaborate fabrics may
also be purchased at a 10 per
cent discount through
Newcomb Hall.

Elzinga Speaks

Economics Prof. Kenneth
G. Elzinga will speak on "Trials
and Temptations of the
Anti-Trust Lawyer" tonight at
8 in the South Meeting Room,
Newcomb Hall.

The John B. Minor
Pre-Legal Society is sponsoring
the address, which is open to
the public Membership
applications will be considered
after the program.

Board Meeting

The Cavalier Daily Board of
Directors will hold a meeting
open to the University
community at 4 p.m. Thursday
in the Honor Committee
Room. The meeting has been
scheduled in response to a
complaint by Richard Berkeley
about an article
which appeared in yesterday's
Cavalier Daily.

Committee Positions

Student Council is now
accepting applications for
student positions on the 57
University administrative
committees listed on pages
seven and eight of the student

Application blanks are
available at the Council offices
and at the Newcomb Hall Main
Desk. The final application
date is April 13.

First-year students are
encouraged to apply.

Music Award

Assoc. Music Prof. Donalo
MacInnis' composition,
"Variations for Cello and
Two-channel Tape" has been
awarded a prize in Bowdoin
College's sixth annual national
competition for new chamber

Mr. MacInnis received $200
and his composition will be
published by the Bowdoin
College Music Press.