University of Virginia Library

University Plans
For Accreditation


President Edgar F. Shannon
has appointed a committee to
coordinate an extensive
self-study program to reaffirm
the University's accreditation
as required by the Southern
Association of Colleges and

The Southern Association,
the regional accrediting
institution to which the
University belongs, requires
member institutions to
perform self-studies every ten
years. The University will carry
out its self-study during the
spring of 1973 and the
1973-74 school year.

To Examine Resources

Presidential Assistant and
Acting Asst. Prof. of Speech
and Drama Donald W. Jones,
who is the Executive Secretary
of the Steering Committee,
said that the purpose of the
study is to examine and
evaluate past and present
resources in relation to the
purposes and objectives of the

The Steering Committee will
hold its first meeting tomorrow.
This committee, University
president Edgar F Shannon,
and members of the 12
University-wide committees
will meet again on Feb. 23
with Gordon Sweet, The
Southern Association's
Executive Secretary, for his
briefing on the overall
objectives of a self-study

Other Members

Other members of the
Steering Committee are
Mathematics Prof. Edwin E.
Floyd (Chairman), Law Prof.
Thomas F. Bergin, Education
Prof. and Department of
Educational Foundation's
Chairman Richard M. Brandt,
and Materials Science Prof. and
Engineering School Assoc.
Dean Avery Catlin.

Also on the committee are
Dean of the College and
English Prof. Irby B. Cauthen,
Jr., Nursing Prof. Marian H.
Crosby, Medical School Assoc.
Dean and Education Prof.
Ralph W. Ingersoll, and
Council President Jim Kinaca.

The Steering Committee's
function will be to appoint and
coordinate 12 specialized
University-wide committees
that will study different areas
of the University's program.
These committees are:
Purpose, Organization, and
Administration, Educational
Program, Financial Resources,
Faculty, Library, Student
Personnel, Physical Plant,
Special Activities, Graduate
Program, and Planning for the

A final report will be
prepared by the Steering
Committee incorporating the
reports of the 12 committees.