University of Virginia Library


Panel On Death Set

Dr. Henry K. Beecher,
Harvard medical professor and
former anesthesiology chief at
Massachusetts General Hospital,
will participate in a panel
discussion on irreversible
dementia and death at the
Medical School auditorium.

Dr. Beecher, an authority
on the criteria for death, was
chairman of the Harvard
Committee which proposed the
definition of "brain death,"
establishing guidelines for
when to stop "extraordinary"
means of prolonging life under
hopeless circumstances.

Dr Joseph Fletcher,
Medical Ethics Visiting
Professor, Monrad G. Paulsen,
Law School Dean and Dr.
Thomas Hunger. Owen R.
Cheatham Science Professor,
will also participate.

The panel is open to the

Edwards To Speak

Mr. James Don Edwards,
Distinguished Professor of
Accounting at the University
of Georgia and a trustee of the
new Financial Accounting
Foundation, will address the
eighth Accounting Forum of
the McIntire School of
Commerce today at 5 p.m. in
the South Meeting Room of
Newcomb Hall.

Mr. Edwards is a former
dean of the School of Business
Administration at the
University of Minnesota and
the former chairman of the
Department of Accounting and
Financial Administration at
Michigan State University.

Instituted in 1968 to serve
as a medium for discussions of
current accounting issues, the
Accounting Forum brings
together Commerce school
faculty, commerce students
concentrating in accounting
and leading professional
accountants in public practice
and industry.

English Forum

"Literary Interpretation in
Undergraduate Education" will
be the topic of a panel
discussion and open forum
tomorrow at 4 p.m. in room
216 of Wilson Hall.

Panel members will be
English Prof. Ralph Cohen,
second-year graduate Student
Jeremy Curtin and English
Prof Donald Hirsch.

The Student
Sub-Committee of the
Undergraduate English
Committee is sponsoring the
forum Refreshments will be

Poster Contest

Charlottesville Friends of
the Earth is sponsoring a
poster contest in connection
with Ralph Nader's Campaign
Clean Water and needs student
volunteers to judge the posters

Charlottesville elementary,
junior high and high schools
are participating and will
submit their posters Dec. 11.
Interested students should call
977-2546 this week.