University of Virginia Library

Council Chooses Cummings, Tollefsen
To Assume Vacated College Positions



C/D Larry Mann

College Representatives Scott Tollefsen And Mark Cummings

Fourth-year man Mark
Cummings and second-year
man Scott Tollefsen were
chosen to fill the two Student
Council seats vacated by Andy
Potler and Barbara Savage in
the College election held last
Thursday night. The College
Council, consisting of the
officers of the College and
members of the Student
Council from the College,
originally accepted 45
applications, then narrowed
the field down to 11

The remaining candidates
were contacted and
interviewed Thursday night, at
which time Mr. Cummings and
Mr. Tollefson were selected.

Mr. Tollefsen commented
after the election that the basic
task of the Student Council, as
he saw it, was to "establish a
better relation with the student

"The duty of the Council is
to reach out to the students
through dorm visits and
following through on projects
which the Council

Mr. Tollefsen emphasized
the need for better
communications between the
students and the Council,
stating that while "Council
should be putting on projects
instead of putting out papers
for the student body, it needs
better indications of prevalent
student opinion.

Mr. Cummings has been
involved in the University,
serving as University
Coordinator for Committee
Selections and as a member of
the Public Affairs Committee

"The Council's most
pressing need is to establish a
better rapport between the
Council and the student
body," Mr. Cummings said, "I
want to express my views on
particular issues in the
remaining months of the

Critical of the revised ticket
policy which he feels unfairly
discriminates, Mr. Cummings
suggested that Council look
into the University of
Maryland plan for ticket
distribution as a possible

Although the terms of both
members expire at the end of
the semester, both welcomed
the opportunity to serve on the
Council and to show, in the
words of Mr ollesen, that
"the confidence the College
Council has shown in us will
hopefully prove