University of Virginia Library

Library Burglarized
Of Law Textbooks


Several dozen textbooks
were stolen from the Law
School library last Thursday
night according to Kenneth
Barry, one of several victims in
the thievery.

Three of these books
were detected by Anderson
Brothers Bookstore Monday
afternoon, when a non-student
attempted to resell the books
causing suspicion and a
subsequent investigation of the

John W. Williams of
Anderson's bookstore said he
became immediately suspicious
at someone selling books at
this time of the year. One of
the three books had been brought
to the store by a white male who
appeared to be about 24 had
been called to Mr. Williams'
attention beforehand through a
call from the owner. Mr.
Williams then asked the man
for his ID card and was shown
a registration card identifying
him as Jean Paul DuPont.

Calls Registrar

As Mr. Williams called the
Registrar's Office to verify the
identification, Mr. "DuPont"
left the bookstore, leaving one
of the books behind.

"We almost caught him,"
Mr. Williams said, "but we had
no grounds on which to hold

The call to the Registrar
verified that there has never
been a Jean Paul DuPont
registered at the University.
Furthermore, the man said he
was a member of a fraternity
which is non-existent on the

The thief was described as
being about six-foot-one,
weighing from 175 to 190
pounds, with shoulder-length
sandy hair and a five-days
growth of a beard. He was
wearing a blue-jean jacket
when he was seen at the

Law Library Unprotected

Mr. Barry said that unlike
other buildings of the
University, the law library is
one where students leave books
completely unprotected due to
the burden of the heavy

"The fact is that we just
don't think of outsiders in the
law school," he said. Any
books that were accessible
Thursday night were

Security refused to
comment on the progress of
the case.