University of Virginia Library

Board Reviews
Council Plan,
Honor Code


The Student Council Future
of the University Committee
report will be a primary issue
to be discussed by the Board of
Visitors in their meeting today.

The Council last year
endorsed the report which calls
for expansion to 15,091 by
1980. This plan was preferred
to the University's alternative
plan of 16,054 because of a
likely housing shortage.

Student Council President
Jim Rinaca and Vice-President
Larry Sabato will present the
report which calls for an
expansion of 3,000 less than
the University's original plan.

The issue will be voted on

Gordan Peerman, President
of the Honor Committee, will
also discuss the law suit which
a Mary Washington College
student filed concerning her
dismissal for an honor

Brenda Page Bright, a
former student at MWC, has
charged that her rights were
violated when she was
dismissed by the student
Honor Council. A ruling in
favor of Mrs. Bright would
bring the legality of the
University's Honor System into

New faculty elections and
presidential appointments will
also be discussed.