University of Virginia Library


Aid Forms Available

Financial aid applications for students
returning next year are now available at
the Office of Financial Aid to Students in
Levering Hall.

Students seeking financial assistance
for this summer session should return
their applications by April 1. The
deadline for applications from students
desiring aid for the coming academic year
is April 15.

Honor Referendum Forum

A public forum to discuss the Honor
Committee's Advisory Referendum will
be held tonight at 8 p.m. in the New
Chemistry Building Auditorium. The
panel will consist of Honor Committee
Chairman Tom Bagby and the School of
Law President Nick Davidson.

Mr. Bagby and Mr. Davidson will each
present their views on the referendum
followed by questions from the audience.
The forum is presented by the First-Year

Ebe Dies

Director of University printing
Richard Wallace Ebe Jr. died Monday at
his home in Georgetown Green.

Mr. Ebe, a 1952 graduate of
Washington and Lee University, worked
with the Gulf Oil Corp. of Pittsburg and
later with the advertising firm of
Kechum, MacLeod and Grove of
Pittsburg and Washington before coming
to the University.

The funeral will be at 1 p.m. Saturday
at the Ebenezer Baptist Church with
burial in the family cemetery.

Poetry Reading

The Balch Fund and the English
Department will sponsor a poetry reading
by John Ashbery tonight at 8 p.m. in
room 301, James Wilson Hall.

Mr. Ashbery is a Harvard graduate and
has done graduate work at Columbia and
New York University. He has served as an
art critic for the New York Herald
Tribune European edition, and for
International of Zurich.

In recent years he has served as editor
of Art News and written several books.

Mr. Ashbery is recognized as a major
innovative poet and has been very
influential in the avant-garde movement
in poetry.

Russian Reception Plans

Tentative plans are being made to hold
a student reception for the Russian track
team currently participating in Richmond

Should the team decide to visit the
Charlottesville area Saturday, their
agenda would include a stopover at
Monticello, a luncheon with President
Shannon as well as faculty and student
leaders, followed by a guided tour of the
Grounds, and a reception at 3:30 p.m. in
the Informal Lounge on the third floor of
Newcomb Hall.

The track meet in Richmond will be
held tomorrow so it is still speculative as to
whether the 60-member team will decide
to make the scheduled trip Saturday.

According to student council representative Dave Horan, who is
organizing many of the activities, that
decision will not be made until tomorrow.

Ad Hoc Honor Meeting

An organizational meeting for
Students Concerned about the Honor
System, an ad hoc group supporting
retention of the present Honor System,
will be held at 4 p.m. today in 301 Wilson

The meeting will include a discussion
of the upcoming advisory referendum on
the Honor System. All interested students
are invited.