University of Virginia Library


Democrats Will Meet

A special meeting of all Albemarle
County registered voters who are
interested in Democratic Party reform
will be held in the Newcomb Hall
Conference Room at 7:30 tonight. All
registered faculty members, staff and
students are urged to attend this
emergency meeting.


The Bangladesh Information
Committee (BDIC) will set up tables to
further their cause Wednesday on the
Lawn in front of Cabell Hall and in
Newcomb Hall on the second floor.

The BDIC is a group of graduate
students in South Asian History who are
sponsoring a letter-writing campaign to
Washington in favor of a "more positive
attitude toward the new nation of Bangladesh
and a fund drive for the Bangladesh

They are also distributing literature
concerning the conflict in Southeast Asia.
The BDIC may be contacted by writing in
care of the History Department, Randall

Graduate Program

The John Fitzgerald Kennedy School
of Government of Harvard University has
announced a new graduate program in
Public Policy. The program offers Ph. D.
degrees, masters degrees, and joint
masters and professional degrees.

Applicants should be interested in
policy analysis and be "at ease in both
the world of words and the world of
numbers," according to the
announcement. Interested students
should contact Dean Harry Weiner at the
Littauer Center of Harvard University,
Cambridge, Mass. 02138 for a catalog and
an application.


Ray W. Frantz Jr., University librarian,
has been elected chairman of the Virginia
Library Association. He succeeds
Catherine Lyon, librarian at the Naval
Weapons Laboratory at Dahlgren, as head
of the organization of approximately
1,000 members.

Another member of the library staff,
Alexander C. Crosman Jr., has been
elected chairman of the Virginia Library
Association's Junior Members
Roundtable. For librarians who are under
35 years old or who have less than five
years experience in the field, the
Roundtable serves as a liaison between
new members and the professional

Carol Sing

A candlelight, community carol sing
will mark the beginning of
"Charlottesville a City of Light Week" on
December 20 at 8 p.m. on the grass banks
of Vinegar Hill.

Sponsored by Downtown
Charlottesville, Inc., (DCI) the carol sing
will feature a large bonfire and some 1500
candles for participants, with hot cider
being served. "Starting with one large
candle," says Chuck Walton, promotion
committee chairman for the DCI, 'the
light will be passed from one person to
the next until the hillside is aglow with

Also during the week of December 20,
downtown merchants will offer some
5000 electric candles at wholesale cost in
a effort to encourage Charlottesville
residents and businesses to have a candle
in their windows at Christmas.