University of Virginia Library

Campaigning For Elections Begins
As Number Of Candidates Grows


Nineteen students have filed petitions
for candidacy in the elections on
December 8 and 9 for positions on both
the Student Council and the Judiciary

The Elections Committee is accepting
petitions, and the slate of candidates is
growing. All petitions from candidates
who wish to be included on the election
ballots must be presented by 5 p.m.

To date, twelve candidates from the
College have filed for the five open
representative positions on the Council.
No student, however, has petitioned for
candidacy of fill one of the three
Judiciary Committee openings.

Seeking office as Council
representatives from the College are Dave
Horan and Phil Chabot, who are seeking
re-election. Tom Richards and David
Barnes are running on the same ticket.

Other candidates from the College
include Andy Potler, Barb Savage, Ed
Wilson, Rod Singleton and Chris Brown
from the December Coalition, Eric
Royce, Anne Nutter and Bill Hurd from
the Neanderthal Party, and Greg Luce as
an independent.

In the Engineering School, Bill Huyett
and Bill Davidage are opposing each other
for the single open seat on Council.
Milton Whitfield is running unopposed
for a one-semester opening created by a
resignation last May. Two candidates,
Raymond Ng and Spencer Rogers, are
seeking election to the two Judiciary
Committee vacancies from the
engineering school.

Rawles Jones, from the Law School,
is also campaigning unopposed for the
Student Council seat, and petitions for
the Judiciary position have not yet been

Judiciary committee candidates from
the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
and the medical school have also not yet
been filed.

Polls will be open from 9 a.m. to 9
p.m. on Wednesday and Thursday.

Poll locations for the College include
Gilmer Hall, Physics Building, New
Chemistry Building, Tuttle and Emmet
Houses and four places in Cabell Hall.

Locations for Graduate Arts and
Sciences include Cabell, Rouss, Campbell
and Gilmer Halls as well as the library,
Physics building, New Chemistry Building
and Newcomb Grill.

The Medical School will vote in the
lobby of the School of Medicine, and also
in the Medical Education Building.
Nursing students may cast their ballots in
McKim Hall, and the Law School will be
able to vote in Clark Hall.

Ballot boxes for the engineering
school will be located in Thornton Hall
and the AM Buildings. The Schools of
Graduate Business Administration and
Commerce will vote in Monroe Hall and
Rouss Hall respectively.