University of Virginia Library


Student Wins Race

A University student was elected Justice of
the Peace in Roanoke County elections
yesterday, becoming the youngest person ever
elected to public office in Virginia.

William B. Hosp, running as an Independent
Democrat in support of Henry Howell, won the
Windsor Hills District election with a total of
1,072 votes. Hiss opponents, Kay Greene
(Dem.) and James C. Davis (Rep.) trailed with
964 votes and 507 votes, respectively.

Mr. Hosp, a fifth-year English major,
filed for candidacy approximately two months
ago. He returned to the Roanoke area to
campaign every weekend and occasionally on

Claiming more than 90 per cent of absentee
ballots cast predominately by students, Mr.
Hosp stated that "this election shows what
young people can do."

Association Meetings

All first year College students are expected
to attend their respective Association meetings
in the auditorium of the Chemistry Building
according to the following schedule:

Alderman Road Association, Nov. 15 at 8
p.m. (Dean Vandersee). Bonnycastle-Hancock
Association, Nov. 15 at 9 p.m., (Dean Wallace);
Echols-Humphreys, Nov. 10 at 8 p.m., (Dean
Diehl); Kent-Dabney Association on Nov. 11 at
8 p.m., (Dean Willis); Lefevre-Metcalf on Nov.
15 at 7 p.m., (Dean Graham); Observatory Hill
Association on Nov. 10 at 9 p.m., (Dean
Hurley); Page-Emmet Association on Nov. 11 at
7 p.m. (Dean Elzinga).

'Crime And Punishment'

The Department of Slavic Languages and
Literature will sponsor a lecture entitled
"Reflections on Crime and Punishment tonight
at 8 p.m. as part of this week's activities
honoring the Russian novelist Fyodor

Robert Belknap, professor of Russian
Language and literature at Columbia University
will present the lecture in 216 Wilson Hall.

The lecture will be the last of three events
this week, two lectures and a panel discussion,
honoring the 150th anniversary of Mr.
Dostoevsky's birth.

Open Forum

An open forum will be held by several
Student Council members tonight in the lounge
of Echols House at 7 p.m.

College of Arts and Sciences representatives,
David Horan, Phil Chabot, Mary Smith, Larry
Sabato and Mike Flock will be present to
discuss topics of concern to Council.

$6 Date Tickets

The University's Department of Athletics
has announced that prices for date tickets for
Saturday's football game with Virginia
Polytechnic Institute will be $6.00, instead of
$5.00, as previously announced. All other
tickets will be $7.00.

The prices for this game will be as
announced because of an agreement that the
University has with VPI. The agreement states
the University must charge the same prices
for this game that were charged for the game
with VPI last year.

Mr. Larry Stanley, University ticket
manager, stated that the internal Revenue had
verified that the price increase was legal.

1H Classification

A new classification of 1H has been formed
by the Selective Service Board. All 18-year old
students are automatically placed in this
category until their nineteenth year, when their
lottery number is chosen. If their number is
high, they will remain 1H unless they ask for a
specific classification.