University of Virginia Library

Council Statement
Urges Enrollment
Of Blacks, Women

The Student Council has issued a
statement encouraging the admission of
more blacks and women to the University
without expanding the entering class
further until adequate facilities can be
established to handle a larger student

"In response to a number of inquiries.
Student Council wishes to reaffirm its
dedication to the important task, now being
carried out in the Admission. Office, of
providing equal opportunity at the University
for blacks and women. Students and we their
elected representatives continue in our belief
that the University must seek to increase the
proportions of women and blacks within the
student body.

"This belief is in no way inconsistent with
our contention that the total number of
students should be frozen until the
over-crowded conditions we are now
experiencing are relieved by the construction of
adequate facilities."

As of October 15, the Office of the Registrar
reports, women constitute slightly less than
22.1% of the total 12,215 student enrollment at
the University - or 2,694 in all.

Figures for the percentage of black students
were unavailable because of the voluntary
nature of the race classification on the
application form for admission.