University of Virginia Library

'University Tuesday'

The Student Council has issued the following statement concerning "University
Tuesday" to all members of the University community.:

When we enter into the activities of "University Tuesday" we must try to act in a way
which will be consistent with the goal that we are seeking: a preservation of the beauty
and the openness of the Grounds. This may be especially difficult to do as we "Sleep-In"
on the Lawn, but all members of Council are sure that it can be done if a few simple
precautions are followed.

During the "Sleep-In" it is going to be cold. We suggest that you bring blankets and
that you wear the warmest clothing at your disposal. If you feel that it is necessary to
bring a hibachi, make sure that you set it up on a sidewalk-not on the grass. It would be
wise to position all hibachis between the columns since if that were the case, no one
would be able to walk into them. An open bonfire would be the worst thing that could
happen. Not only would such a fire be destructive of our purpose as well as of the Lawn,
but open flames are the hardest to control.

The only "rule" to which anyone need adhere, is to think calmly before you act. In
the future we hope that calm thought will prevail with the administration. On University
Tuesday, let's prove that it already prevails with the student body.