University of Virginia Library


Ethics Of Medicine Forum

The question "when should a patient be
allowed to die? Will be the first topic of The
Medicine and Society Conference sponsored by
the University's School of Medicine. Dr.
Thomas H. Hunter, Cheatham Professor of
Science, and Dr. Joseph Fletcher, visiting
professor of medical ethics, will lead the
discussion to be held in the Medical School
Amphitheater at 1 p.m. on Oct 1.

Other subjects to be discussed at the
monthly conferences will be abortion and
sterilization, organ donation, psychiatric
problems that may involve the law, and
behavior control. The conference will discuss
actual case histories concentrating on value
judgements, medical ethics, and priorities as
they relate to the patient and society.

Medical Lectures

A series of continuing education
lectures for family physicians has begun at the
University's School of Medicine. The lectures,
held every other Thursday at 2 p.m., are
presented by University faculty.

Dates and topics for the series include: Sept.
30, "Drug Interactions Prevalent in Practice";
Oct. 7, "The Newer Concepts of Diagnosis and
Management of Pre-Malignant Lesions of the
Skin"; Oct. 21, "Advances in Diagnosis and
Treatment of Osteoporosis"; Nov. 11, "Patterns
in Pulmonary Disease".

Fees for the series are $5 per session or $25
for the entire series. Registration should be sent
to the Continuing Education Program, Box
333, Medical School. All sessions will meet in
the Family Practice Center on the third floor of
the Towers building adjacent to the Medical

Musical Audition

Auditions for singers for the Oratorio
Society of Charlottesville, Albemarle, under the
direction of Donald Loach, Associate Professor
of Music, will be held this weekend in
anticipation of the presentation of Mendelson's
"Elija" next March.

Embarking upon its fifth season, the Society
has previously presented the Christmas Oratorio
and the St. John Passion, by Bach; Brahms' "A
German Requiem," and Handel's "Messiah."

Mr. Loach will hold auditions at the First
United Methodist Church on East Jefferson
Street on Saturday, Oct 2, from 10-12, and 2-4
o'clock; Sunday, Oct. 3, from 8-10 p.m., and
Tuesday, Oct 5, from 7-9 p.m. He cordially
invites interested persons in the University
community "with a good musical ear, and an
enjoyment in participating in choral music" to