University of Virginia Library

Student Nurses Staff Clinic,
Sponsor Health Program

The Student Nurses Association of
Virginia (SNAV) is working to improve
the health conditions in Buckingham
County, the second-poorest county in the
state, reported SNAV spokesman Diane

The student nurses are working
through the Buckingham County Clinic,
set up by doctors from the University.
The clinic will be staffed by members of
the Buckingham County Community.

These community members, currently being
trained, are called Health Aid Workers, and are
working closely with SNAV members. Soon
they will work as a team with expectant
mothers from the country.

One student nurse and one Health Aid
Worker will team up and follow each mother
throughout her pregnancy, from her periodic
visits to the clinic until she leaves the hospital
with her baby.

This type of service is needed, said Miss
Downing, because "Prenatal education and
preparation is severely inadequate for the poor.
They are repeatedly admitted to the hospital so
terrified and unaware of what will happen, that
they miss the thrill and beauty that should be a
part of childbirth." The purpose of this
program is to eliminate this fear.

Miss Downing reports that there are plans
for continuing this work during the summer
months and for possibly incorporating this type
of program into the nursing curriculum.

The Nurses Association will also sponsor a
kite-flying contest in Mad Bowl on Sunday,
May 25th. The contest will be from 1:30 to
2:30 p.m., and first prize is a case of beer.
Entry fee is 25 cents.