University of Virginia Library

Booklet Describes
English Courses

A booklet prepared by Alan Howard, the
undergraduate advisor of the English
Department, is available containing copies of
full course descriptions and reading lists for
each of the fall courses in that department.

Instead of placing copies only in the
department office (Wilson Hall), several copies
are also available in other more accessible places
on the Grounds. With the assistance of Dean
Cauthen's office, copies have been distributed
as follows: Alderman Library main desk,
Alderman Library reference room. Alderman
Library reserve room, Newcomb all
information desk, office of the Dean of the
College (Cabell 401), Each of the resident
advisors and senior counselors in the Alderman
Road and McCormick Road dormitories, Mary
Munford main desk. In addition, each
Association Dean has a copy.

These will be useful through October, and
the department will keep them available until