University of Virginia Library

Reich's Book

Dante Germino, professor of
government, and William H. Harbaugh,
professor of history, will lead an open
forum discussion on "The Greening of
America" by Charles Reich.

The forum, sponsored by the John B.
Minor Pre-Legal Society, will be held
tonight at 8 p.m. in Cocke Hall

According to R. Michael Wells,
president of the Pre-Legal Society, "The
purpose of the forum is to allow us to critically
analyze the basic points of the book as to the
nature of the corporate state, and how we
might best solve its problems."

Mr. Wells added, "We hope to have some
divergent ideas. This is one of the reasons we
chose Mr. Harbaugh and Mr. Germino to lead
the discussion." Mr. Germino has recently
completed a review of this book for the Journal
of Politics.

Commenting on Mr. Harbaugh, Mr. Wells
said, "Mr. Harbaugh is best remembered for his
part in the strike last May." He added that "Mr
Harbaugh is not as ready as Mr. Germino to
accept the book's basic belief as to how we
should rid the Corporate State of its flaws."

The Pre-Legal Society will also hold
elections tonight. Mr. Wells said that there will
be "some discussion of joining a national
honorary pre-legal society."

He added that "the society is pleased to
announce that first-year students are now
eligible for membership."