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Council Seeks To Coordinate
Efforts For Draft Repeat

By Philip Kimball
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Coordination of local action for
endorsement of draft repeal legislation
was the topic of a news conference
yesterday with Kevin Mannix, Student
Council president, and representatives of
state and local antidraft organizations.

Mr. Mannix stated that "Council will
work in conjunction with the American
Civil Liberties Union, an organization
that is working for the repeal of the draft
through legislation proposed by
Senate-Joint Resolution No. 20, which
was introduced by Senator Hatfield on
January 29."

"Council will also be aided by the
Charlottesville Draft Resistance, an
organization that is opposed to co-operation
with the Selective Service System,' Mr. Mannix

Resolution Endorsed

A resolution endorsed by Council states
"The draft constitutes a deprivation of civil
liberties and cannot be justified in a free

The resolution further states, "In opposing
the Draft, the Student Council is not
necessarily opposing volunteer service to one's
country; however, Council strongly opposes the
present system of forced conscription. The
draft system is not in keeping with American
ideals of freedom and liberty and therefore
should be abolished.

Amen Kahwajy, Student Council Draft
Repeal Activities Coordinator and member of
the Charlottesville Draft Resistance, stated that
Draft Repeal action will include urging faculty
and students to write their congressmen.

A table will be manned daily from 11 to 2
on the second floor of Newcomb Hall where
students may sign a petition endorsing
anti-draft legislation. Students may also obtain
form letters protesting the draft which may be
sent to their individual congressmen.

Other Council activities will include the
publication of Draft Repeal information,
coordination of efforts of any organization
opposing the draft with a student ad hoc
committee for Draft Repeal. Council will also
organize an anti-draft lobbying effort for
interested students during Spring Break.
Volunteers interested in working for draft
repeal legislation should attend an
organizational meeting Monday at 8 p.m. in
Student Council offices.

Mr. Mannix states Monday night that the
Board of Directors of the American Civil
Liberties Union had endorsed the Resolution
No. 20 and had allocated an undisclosed
amount of money to aid support of anti-draft

Resistance Demanded

Steve Squire of the Charlottesville Draft
Resistance said: "With anti-draft bills before
the House and Senate, now is the time for
people to rally to finally show the government
that, when it oversteps its bounds, people will

"This," Mr. Squire continued, is the first
step in halting American imperialism. The
government now tells people of this country
what is good for them. We want people to say
no. The government should serve the people."

"We can't allow the same monkeys who
form policies now to continue to do so without
the consent of the public," Mr. Squire added.

"We are not calling for a compromise but
for complete abolition of conscription of any
form," stated Mr. Mannix. "We are not arguing
against military service but against having the
government dictate individuals' actions."