University of Virginia Library

Winetasters Bunch Together Monday

In annual celebration of spring,
followers of Bacchus will once again
gather for an evening to test the harvest
of this ancient god.

Cecil "Tony" Kahmann, world
renowned wine expert, will speak on
California Wines in the Rotunda on
Monday, March 15 at 8:00 p.m. Mr.
Kahmann appeared here last April in a
lecture and successful wine tasting event.

Mr. Kahmann has played an important
role in the wine events throughout the
country—major wine tastings, lectures,
talks, festivals, presentations programs,
seminars, symposiums, all manner of things
involving wine-in major cities throughout the

Mr. Kahmann has also appeared on local
radio and television programs in many cities as
well as on network television and radio. He has
been the subject of interviews by many food
and wine editors of newspapers and magazines.

For the past 23 years, Mr. Kahmann has
been fully committed to the wine field. He has
studied viticulture and oenology — that is, grape
growing and wine making — in formal studies at
the University of California School of
Viticulture and Oenology.

Mr. Kahmann was appointed by the
Governor of California an official wine judge, a
title earned as the result of an 8-hour
competitive examinations of wine experts.

Last September he became one of the few
wine men to complete a tour, in the State
Department sponsored People-to-People
program, which included vineyards and wineries
behind the Iron Curtain.

Mr. Kahmann edited a book several years
ago, Around the World in a Salad Bowl, and he
has also written a number of magazines.


'Tony' Kahmann

The Little Ole Wine Taster