University of Virginia Library

14 Counselors

The Office of Student Affairs, in
cooperation with the dormitory
counseling program, last week appointed
14 counselors to the position of senior
counselor in the first-year dormitories.

The applicants for the positions had to
write essays and go through a series of
interviews with present senior counselors and
administrators before being chosen.

Forty-one counselors applied for the
position of senior counselor. Dormitory senior
counselors are responsible for the general order
in the first-year dormitories.

Included among those selected were Jim
Babb, Jon Blankenship, Spencer Brudno, and
Hal Bogard.

Also selected to be senior counselors were
James Carmack, Jamie Chafin, Kim Hatcher,
Donn Kessler, and Tom Lankford.

Byrd Leavell, Richard Maxwell, Gordon
Peerman, Bob Verklin and Ed Wilson were also