University of Virginia Library

Student Parking
To Be Restricted

The Student Motor Vehicle Rules and
Revising Committee has recently acted to
withdraw student parking privileges in the small
lot behind the Bayly Building.

This decision, which is effective
immediately, resulted from the overcrowded
conditions in this parking lot any by students
who, not being able to park legally, left their
cars parked illegally.

According to this Committee, "the numbers
of those taking this risk has risen to such a
point that the impracticality of permitting any
student parking in this lot between 7:30 a.m.
and 6 p.m., Monday through Fridays, has been
amply demonstrated." "A five month trial
period has demonstrated that whatever
advantages may have accrued to a few students
by this provision, many more have been enticed
into a situation in which their alternatives were
either to go in search of parking sites elsewhere
because those in this lot were full, or to park