University of Virginia Library

Weekend Robbers Make $537 Haul

Armed robbers landed over $500 in
cash shortly after 1 a.m. Tuesday, from
two Virginia college students, studying in
their apartment, located at 106-B Laurel

Upon coming to the door, Albert J.
Phillips reported just turning the knob
slightly when two men kicked the door
open, burst into the room, the one man
wielding a machete.

Both men were approximately six feet
tall with medium builds wearing brightly
colored modish clothing. Mr. Phillips was
grabbed around the neck by the man
without the machete while the other man
looked on.

The man who held him around the neck
repeatedly demanded that Mr. Phillips give him
LSD, and Phillips repeatedly told the intruder
that he had none. Phillips was then pushed all
the way across his living room where he was
held tightly against the wall by the man with
the machete.

Meanwhile, the other robber gathered
together the other members of the apartment.
Dennis Henner and Dennis McGuire, also
second year College students, and held all three
students at machete point while the other
robber emptied wallets and hurriedly searched
the apartment looking under pillows and the

They took nothing other than a few packs
of cigarettes from the apartment itself, but Mr.
Phillips was relieved of $535 that he had just
received in a motorcycle transaction and Mr.
Henner of $2.

Mr McGuire reported no losses. Mr. Phillips
said that he knew of no other people than a few
close friends who knew about the motorcycle
down payment that he had received.

The robbers are still at large, but local
authorities are working on the case.