University of Virginia Library

Five Professors
Granted Leaves

The Board of Visitors in their meeting
last Saturday granted several University
professors leaves of absence. Edwin S.
Cohen, professor of Law at the
University, was also granted an extension
of his present leave to continue through
June 1972.

Mr. Cohen is presently serving the
Nixon administration as an assistant
secretary for tax policy in the United
States Treasury Department.

Antonin Scalia, also a professor at the Law
School, began a 17-month leave to serve as a
consultant to the Office of Telecommunication
Policy last February 1.

Peter L. Heath, professor of philosophy, was
granted a one year leave for research and
writing to begin in September. Anthony D.
Woozley also of the Department of Philosophy
will become a visiting professor at the
University of Arizona beginning February 1,
1972 and ending May 31, 1972.

Fredrick S. Morton, professor in the
Graduate School of Business Administration,
was granted a leave of absence for one academic
year effective September 1, 1971.