University of Virginia Library

Prism Celebrates 5th Year
With Discussion Of Reich

The Prism Coffeehouse as part of its
fifth anniversary activities will hold an
open discussion of Charles Reich's "The
Greening of America" Wednesday,
February 24, beginning at 8:30 p.m. in
the coffeehouse.

Students will be able to join a group
of faculty who have already agreed to
come and voice their opinions. Included
in this group are Dante Germino, professor of
government and foreign affairs; James
Childress, assistant professor of religious
students; and Charles Barron, associate professor
of chemical engineering.

An open invitation is being extended to all
University faculty that may be interested in
participating in the program. After the
discussion among the faculty, the floor will be
open to general participation.

Ample copies of Mr. Reich's manifesto,
which has added "Consciousness I, II, and III"
to contemporary culture-language, are now
available locally. The book sells for $7.95. No
paperback is yet in sight.

One local bookstore said it has sold 100
copies and could have sold "at least 150 more"
had sufficient copies been available from the
publishers in December, when the book came

Another local store will have sold 110 copies
of Mr. Reich's hopes for America when its
fourth shipment is gone.

Though faculty forums at the Prism have
been infrequent in the past couple of years,
they were at one time regular Friday night

But an ever-increasing pool of local and Fast
Coast musicians made the Prism management
decide to give the entire weekend to music on a
regular basis. Wednesday's, also, have become
largely music oriented, devoted to jam sessions
and tryout sessions for new performers.

While de-emphasizing the forums, the Prism
has continued to serve the intellectual life of
the University by trying to grant space
allocations in the building when applications
are received from such organizations as the
Solidarity Bookstore, the Virginia Weekly, the
Experimental University, and the old Rapier