University of Virginia Library

Eviction Complaints
Refuted By Landlord

By Mike Gartlan
and Barry Levine
Cavalier Daily Staff Writers

An account of an eviction attempt of
a nursing student and her husband was
rebutted yesterday by the rental agents

University Property Management Inc., rental
agency for the apartment of Pat and Terry
Shelar, yesterday told The Cavalier Daily that a
portion of Mr. Shelar's salary was being
withheld pending an investigation of an
accident involving the agency's truck. Mrs.
Shelar is a nursing student at the University.

Mr. Shelar had contended that he was owed
$800 in back salary for part-time work for the
agency, but an investigation of the company's
records yesterday indicated unpaid wages
totalled only about $350.

Mrs. Christian, a rental agent for UPM, had
told the Shelars that rents owed totalled $600,
but the amount was only $500, four months
rent at $125 per month. Mr. Shelar had refused
to complete payments until the salary
he claimed was paid.

According to Bob Pearson, a neighbor of the
Shelars, Aubrey Strode, landlord of the
premises, had unsuccessfully attempted to evict
them "without prior notice." Mrs. Christian
contends, however, that notice was given of
payment due, both through mail and personal
conversation, and that they were told "unless
the rent was paid the Shelars would have to
move out so that someone who would pay rent
could move in."

Mr. Shelar reported that no eviction notices
were made, but that a rent notice had been

According to both sources, Mrs. Christian
went to the Shelars' apartment Tuesday
morning to announce that the locks were being
changed because of the overdue rent.

Mr. Shelar alleges that the accident resulted
in no damage of which he was aware, and that
he had reported the incident to Mr. Strode.
Mrs. Christian contends that she was not aware
of a report being made, and that the back salary
was being withheld.

On October 17, Mr. Shelar stopped working
for the agency, and further attempts to get
back salary from Mr. Strode, he said, were

According to Mr. Shelar, he and his wife will
move out, but will pay no back rent.