University of Virginia Library

Budget Hampers Activities

Council Faces Fiscal Shortages

By Bryan DeLaney
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

"We'll make it, but just barely,"
commented Student Council President
Kevin Mannix with regard to the
Council's present financial situation. "If
we are going to keep expanding activities
as we have been, we will have to have
more funds."

According to a recent statement of the
Council's sources and applications of
working capital for the fall semester, the
Council began operating this year with a
total of $3000 in available funds. This
includes $1750 allocated by the Student
Activities Committee for the first
semester and an additional $775 which
they expect to receive from other
organizations such as WUVA and the
Senior Class.


The expenses of Council are in excess
of the funds which are available. Known
costs now total almost $2800 but this does not
include a debt which was incurred during last
spring's John Mayall Concert. According to Mr.
Mannix this debt, which is still being challenged
by the Council, could very easily run between
$750 and $1150.

What may prove to be the saving grace for
the Council is the fact that the Mayall debt is
payable over a three year period and some
other payments may be held over until the
second semester when additional funds will be

However, a problem does indeed exist since
the Council may be expected to run a minimum
deficit of nearly $225 for this semester.

In an effort to prevent any more "poorly
run" elections such as the one held in the
College and Engineering School just before
Christmas, the Council adopted a new series of
regulations governing election procedures. It
was felt by some members of the Council that
this might help eliminate many of the charges
and counter-charges which have almost become
a standard part of University elections.

Significant Rules

Among the more significant rules passed by
the Council is a regulation requiring all
candidates "to sign a statement that they have
read the election regulations and are qualified
to be candidates."

The Council also established that all future
elections will be held either on Tuesday and
Wednesday or Wednesday and Thursday with
polls opening at 9 a.m. and closing at 4 p.m.

To help cut down on its expenses, the
Council approved a proposal by Ashley Wills
that the responsibility of hiring poll watchers
be turned back over to the political societies
and candidates involved. During the first
semester the Council lost approximately $247
as a result of hiring poll watchers.


It was decided Tuesday night that the
Council would carry the results of the recent
referendum on the proposed Code of Conduct
before the Board of Visitors at its next meeting.
In a letter to President Shannon summarizing
the results of the referendum, Mr. Mannix
emphasized his belief that "the rejection by the
students of the previous Standards of Conduct
does not imply a rejection of the concept of a
code of conduct but the specific Standards
previously promulgated."