University of Virginia Library

Munford Restricts Visitor Access

By Bryan DeLaney
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Faced with increasing complaints by
women living in Mary Munford
dormitory, the Executive Committee of
Counselors decided recently to initiate
rules limiting access for men to the main
lounge unless they are escorted by one of
the dormitory residents.

It was further announced that any
unauthorized persons who are found
within the dormitory will be subject to
prosecution by the Executive Committee.
Further details of the new regulations were not

Until this time men have been allowed to
enter the women's dormitory and go up to the
individual rooms alone. This policy was
intended to allow men to call for their dates,
etc., without having to call upstairs on the
phone and then wait in the lounge as is done at
many women's dormitories at other

Unfortunately, problems have arisen on
several occasions this year necessitating the
institution of the new rules. The most recent
difficulty has been that of thieves who
apparently enter and leave the dormitory
unchallenged after helping themselves to the
women's private property.

The complaints go beyond this, however, as
many women have stated that they feel
personally unsafe in the dormitory and are
afraid to walk alone to the library at night.
Similar complaints have also been received from
the Monroe Hill Dormitory residents and it is
reported that a suspected "Peeping Tom" was
stopped and questioned by the University
Security in the Alderman Road. Observatory
Hill area.

A member of the Committee on General
Safety and Security stated, however, that much
of the solution must lie with the women. He
suggested that they be sure to leave their doors
locked and not walk alone at night in obviously
dark and possibly dangerous areas.