University of Virginia Library

IFC Proposes Adjustments
In Pledge Initiation Plans

By Steve Johnson
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

In their weekly meeting, the
Inter-fraternity Council passed a motion
suggesting to the Committee on
Fraternities that the date of initiation be
moved back from March to the first of
the second semester.

Until last year pledges were not
initiated until the fall of their second
year. With the innovative moves of several
houses who initiated their pledges as
neophytes last spring came the ruling that
pledge classes could be initiated sometime
after Spring Recess 1971.

An even more liberal move than that of last
spring, the new proposal would relieve the
burden of three extra months of pledge
'training' among the various pledge classes.

The Committee on Fraternities, which was
formed to advise the President on I.F.C.
regulations and changes, may consider the
proposal and incorporate the provisions in the
bylaws of Fraternity Regulations. Members of
the committee include Mr. Robert T. Canevari,
Dean of Students: Miss Annette Gibbs, Asst. to
the Dean of Students, Mr. Lawrence A.
Simpson, Director of Placement; and Mr.
George B. Thomas, Assoc. Professor of
Philosophy. Student members are Ted Foote,
President of the I.F.C., Mike Murphy, Henry
Bowden, and Al Hadeed.

Houses interested in sponsoring a Christmas
party for underprivileged children were
requested to contact the Welfare Department.
A discount on cola products can probably be
obtained from Mr. McCrary, Coca-Cola
Distributing Company. Any house interested in
having a magic show during their party can
contact Jack Sherry at 15 West Lawn.

Fraternity members were reminded that
fraternity and administrators are still interested
in visiting houses. Most faculty members would
welcome the chance to talk with members and
express the hope that invitations will be