University of Virginia Library

Duke Surgeon
Speaks Today

The chairman of the department of
surgery at Duke University's medical
school will address members of Alpha
Omega Alpha at the University's School
of Medicine today.

David C. Sabiston Jr. will discuss
surgical treatment of coronary artery
diseases at 5 p.m. in the medical school
auditorium. His address, which is open to
the public, will precede the initiation of
12 new members into the national
scholastic and leadership fraternity.

Professor and chairman of surgery at
Duke since 1964. Dr. Sabiston is a former
professor of surgery at Johns Hopkins
University where he also received his M.D.
degree. He also has held a National Institutes of
Health career research award.

Nine fourth-year and three third-year
students, chosen for scholarship, character and
professional promise will be initiated into the

New members from this year's graduating
class include John D. deHoll, James C. Grotta,
Richard K. Guerry, Homer W. Moses, Howard
E. Trent III, Christie Winkler and C. Bruce
Alexander. Other fourth-year students include
Jackson F. Fowler, Jr., and Daryl R. Homer.

New members from the third-year class
include Gene L. Davis Jr., Robert E. Jackson,
and William L. Marsh.