University of Virginia Library

Mrs. Nixon Cancels
Fredericksburg Visit

Nearly 1,000 students at Mary Washington
college at Fredericksburg staged a
peaceful rally 11 p.m. Monday night to
discuss the extension of the Vietnam war
into Cambodia and to lay plans for a
week of protest activities.

Leaders of the group, which included
student officers and editors of the
student newspaper, said they planned to
boycott classes for the rest of the week
and spend their time instead in protest

Plans laid down to picket Mrs. Richard
Nixon during her scheduled visit to the
historic colonial mansion of Kenmore House,
have forced the White House to announce that
the First Lady will reschedule her tour.

The visit that was scheduled for this
afternoon has been cancelled out of fear that
the protesters might resort to violence and
damage the historic buildings.

The students at Mary Washington College
are also circulating petitions and making plans
to join a nation-wide march on Washington this

The Young Americans for Freedom and
Young Republicans of Mary Washington are
spearheading a group of pro-administration
students who are planning legal action against
professors who cancel classes.

Students at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg have
formed a group called the Independent
Organizing Committee and called for a class
walk out and meeting at 2 p.m. on Tech's drill
field where ROTC units were to hold a 3 p.m.