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Complaints End Lawn Concerts;
WUVA Program At St. Thomas

By Mike Leech
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

There will be no concerts on the Lawn
this year because of regulations passed
last fall governing use of the Lawn and
other University facilities.

Radio Station WUVA, which is
holding a benefit concert for the
Churchill Jordan Scholarship Fund this
Saturday, attempted to get permission to
use the Lawn for the concert and was
denied it.

The basis for the denial, according to
Roy T. Huntington, University facilities
coordinator, was the ruling of the
University Public Events Advisory
Committee, which he says received "numerous
complaints" from Lawn residents about the use
of amplified music. The committee ruled last
fall that no amplified music would be allowed
on the Lawn.

Majority Not Opposed

According to several Lawn residents, a
survey taken in the fall indicated that a great
majority of Lawn students do not oppose such

Mr. Paul Saunier, Director of University
Relations, also pointed out that such concerts
might be in conflict with University President
Edgar F. Shannon's ruling of last September,
which prohibited the use of facilities by
University groups in a manner which might
disrupt activities at the University.

WUVA was also refused permission to use
Lambeth Field and Scott Stadium by the
Athletic Department because of alleged damage
done last September during a rock concert at
Lambeth Field.

Waste Of Time

Mr. Saunier told The Cavalier Daily that use
of some University facilities might have been
arranged had WUVA appealed the decisions,
but Jerry Gray, Station Manager of WUVA, said
that he had been given the impression by Mr.
Huntington that such an appeal would be "a
waste of time."

The concert instead has been moved to St.
Thomas Church, Saturday night. Featured
groups are the Mandrake Memorial Townes
Van Zandt, and Rock Lustre. Admission is