University of Virginia Library

Garrett Wins Runoff
For College Secretary

By Bryan DeLancy
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Lee Garrett defeated Bob Niles in a
special runoff election yesterday for
Secretary of the College.

The election marked yet another
victory for the Jefferson Party. Mr.
Garrett was able to defeat Bob Niles of
the Virginia Progressive Party by 202
votes with a total of 838 ballots being
cast. Elections for the Education School
were also held yesterday although the
results were not available at press time.

In the three way election last week
which included Arnold Goldin neither of
these candidates was able to capture the
40 per cent majority needed to win, thus
necessitating a runoff. In spite of the meagre
turnout for this week's election, however, the
results were decisive as Mr. Garrett won by a 61
per cent majority. Votes cast for Mr. Garrett
totaled 514 while Mr. Niles received 312.

The Jefferson Party candidate was able to
continue last week's trend by capturing all of
the polling precincts with the exception of one.

In commenting on the outcome of the
election Mr. Garrett thanked everyone for
voting in the election and gave his assurance
that he would begin immediately to work
towards the goals which he had proposed earlier
in his campaign. His main duties will be those
of Chairman of the Bad Check Committee.

Bob Niles could not be reached for

Although the amendment to the College
Constitution which was voted on in last week's

election received a majority of the votes cast,
the revision did not pass because only 48 per
cent of the College voted while at least 50 per
cent turnout would be necessary for passage.

Candidates for President of the School of
Education were David Myers and Cheryl
Walker. Vice-Presidential candidates included
Howard Grotsky and Fourtaine Leakey. Martha
Cook and Carole Rogin were running for
Secretary, and William McDermott and Karen
Western were seeking the office of Treasurer.

Students in the Education School also had
an opportunity to vote on a new constitution.