University of Virginia Library

IFC Appoints

By Brian Siegel
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Committeemen for the Interfraternity
Council committees will be assigned at a
meeting today at 4 p.m. in Newcomb Hall

This meeting is for all those who
signed up for committees last year, and
for those who wish to work, but have not
yet begun. Those that are signed up will have
first preference to the committees.

An effort will be made to place all students
on committees who have the desire to work,
according to Artie Friedman, head of the IFC

First-Year Men

First-year men are not eligible to serve on
committees until rush is over, however, they
may sign up at the IFC office. Under a system
set up last year, file cards are made for each
worker and a record of their work is kept.
When committee chairmen and assignments are
made for next year top priority will be given to
those who have done the most work.

Anyone who is not able to attend the
meeting today should check the list of
committees that will be posted on the UFC
office door tomorrow to see which committee
he is on.

Vacant Spaces

If anyone is not signed up and cannot come
to the meeting, but wants to serve, he should
sign up at the IFC office tomorrow. Additional
space will be left vacant by those who are
signed up and decide not to work. These spaces
will be filled from the list of extra students.

At the meeting, chairmen will meet with
their committees to get the year started. Many
programs must be started immediately and will
be discussed at this meeting.

Committee Chairmen

Committee chairmen for this year have been
announced. The Alumni Committee is headed
by Ted Allen and John Pettey while the
Athletic Committee is co-chaired by L.G.
Edwards and Dave Wildasin.

This year Community Service will be led by
Bob Dower and Jim Bradshaw, Finance by
Mike Murphy, and Housing by Jay Costan and
Jack Sherry. The Kitchen Manager Committee
will be run by Stu Pape and Jack Plackter while
Bob Bryan leads the Long-Range Planning

Two students will co-chair the Public Affairs
and Publications Committees. They are Clark
Haley and Thom Faulders, and Henry Bowden
and Barry Leader respectively. Clyde Jacob has
been chosen as chairman of the Ring

The Scholarship Committee is co-chaired by
Ken Dierks and Allon Robertson. Rounding out
the list is the Social Committee headed by Rick
Miller and Ken Stoner.