University of Virginia Library

Anti-ABM Group Called
'Communist' By Citizens

By Tom Jenks
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Students soliciting signatures for
opposition of the Anti-Ballistic
Missile System at Barracks Road
Shopping Center last Saturday
learned from various Charlottesville
citizens that they were part of a
"communist plot."

The students, who are members
of the anti-ABM group that was
recently formed at the University,
were first accosted by a little, old,
umbrella-carrying lady who told
them flatly that they were communists.

A husband and wife team with a
little more imagination than the
old lady were the next attackers.
Their accusation was that "the
anti-ABM group is part of a
communist plot that has gotten the
United States into Vietnam in order
to kill off all of the good men,
leaving only hippies, weirdos, and
queers in the country.

"Once this mass-slaughter in
Vietnam is accomplished," the
husband said, "the communists will
be allowed to invade the country
from Cuba and take over."

The final attacker was a middle-aged
man with a large growth of
beard, who said, "You've all blown
your cool, man."

In spite of obvious opposition at
Barracks Road, the anti-ABM group
managed to collect 500 signatures
in a four hour period and will again
be at the shopping center next
Saturday between 10 a.m. and 3

Both Senators Spong and Byrd
replied this week to letters sent to
them by various individuals in the
anti-ABM group, stating opposition
to the ABM because of "inflation,
mis-placed priorities, and the questioning
of many scientists as to the
effectiveness of the system."

"Both men said that they were
still considering the ABM system in
hopes of making the right decision
and thanked the individuals for
their interest," said Stu Pape, a
director of the University group.
Mr. Pape also said that current
guesses place Sen. Byrd in favor of
the ABM.

Starting tomorrow the group
will be circulating petitions indicating
opposition to the ABM for
faculty and students to sign. The
petition to be used is a copy of one
that was circulated on campuses
and in the cities of Massachusetts.

Buttons, material of an informative
nature, and bumper stickers
reading "THE ABM IS AN EDSE"
have been circulated by the group
in the University and the Charlottesville