University of Virginia Library

Gibson Hopes Problems
Will Create Team Unity

Last evening on WTJU-FM,
sports director Pat Ryan presented
a taped interview with head
basketball coach Bill Gibson.
Although admission of the entire
dialogue was intended, limited
space and relevance restricted our
coverage of the interview to the
following pertinent exchange.

Mr. Ryan — Then you feel you
become more of a team because of
the recent problems?

Mr. Gibson — Well, of course
time will tell regarding this factor.
This is certainly our hope.

At the conclusion of the
dialogue with Mr. Gibson, Pat Ryan
gave his own analysis of the
Cavalier player/coach controversy,
the entire text of which follows.

Coach Gibson did not
specifically answer the charges
placed against him by The Cavalier
Daily. He is more concerned with
unifying his team and recruiting,
than in justifying his every move to
a sensation seeking press. However,
he was able to help this reporter in
his attempt to analyze the
basketball controversy. His help
coupled with information gathered
from players, athletic department
people, and alumni have given this
reporter a clear view of the

We cannot examine the unrest
without examining the season at
the same time. This year's team
looked like it might have been
Virginia's first big winner in the
post war era. The Cavaliers had
everything, size, shooting,
rebounding, experience and the
fastest bunch of athletes this side of
the track team. But more
importantly, they were a team in
every sense, the coaches and the
players were united and both
"thought they had something."

But disaster was not far off. The
first casualty was Tom Joyce. He
was reportedly in serious academic
trouble, and sustained a head injury
at home during Thanksgiving, he
has not returned to the University.
He was an athlete of amazing
talents and probably would have
been a part time starter. His loss
alone did not hinder the team
because of their depth.

The first game against
Richmond was a thing of beauty
for any Virginia basketball fan. The
Cavaliers flew up and down the
court scoring at a record pace as
they showed teamwork not seen at
the University for years. They did
everything right and it looked like


Basketball Coach Bill Gibson At The South Carolina Game

Mr. Gibson Was Interviewed Last Night By WTJU Radio Station