University of Virginia Library

IFC Sponsors Carnival,
Book Drive To Aid Area

By Tom Jenks
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

In striving to serve the Charlottesville
community, the Inter-fraternity
Council has scheduled two
community service projects to take
place within the next week.

Children from the Hope House
and the Charlottesville Rehabilitation
Center will be treated to a
carnival at the Rehabilitation Center
on Saturday, May 3, between
1:30 and 4:30 in the afternoon.

The individual fraternity houses
are setting up carnival booths for
the children's amusement, and
three prizes will be given for the
best booths.

A goal of collecting 2,000 used
or unused books has been set in the
IFC's other community service
project, an Upward Bound Book

Cardboard boxes will be placed
in the fraternity houses, in Emmett
House post office, Tuttle House
post office, Newcomb Hall, and
in other places about the Grounds
for the deposit of books.

Any books - novels, fiction, or
text books - from the sixth grade
through college level may be

OEO Supported

The Upward Bound Project at
the University, which is supported
by funds granted by the Office of
Economic Opportunity, is a precollege
preparatory program for
boys in high school. Its purpose is
to identify boys, particularly those
from disadvantaged backgrounds,
with latent potentials for education
beyond the secondary school level
and to provide them with experiences
which increase motivation
for educational attainment and
which improve basic academic

Boys selected for the program
attend an eight week summer
session at the University, live in the
dormitories, and receive instruction
in basic subjects designed to
improve skills necessary for college

Other Benefits

The participants also receive
counseling and guidance services
and attend a wide range of cultural

The ultimate goal of the program
is to motivate Upward Bound
students, who are generally poor
readers, by saturating them with a
wide selection of paperbacks,
books, and magazines of all kinds.

Elections to various posts in the
IFC are held next Monday. Open
are three positions on the Committee
on Fraternities, two positions
on the Governing Board, and two
on the Rush Board.

At the President's Council
Meeting at 4:30 p.m. in the
Informal Lounge of Newcomb Hall,
one representative to the Committee
on Fraternities will be elected.
Candidates must be the president of
a house.

At the regular IFC meeting at
7:30 Monday night, elections will
be held for the other positions.

Qualifications for the Committee
on Fraternities representatives
are that they be third-year. Governing
Board representatives can be
any second or third-year men who
have been or are Committee chairmen
or IFC representatives.

Bob Fisher, IFC President, commented
on the gravity of the
elections by saying, "These elections
are very important for the
conduction of IFC activities for the
remainder of this semester and next

"The work load handled by each
of these bodies has increased
greatly over the past year, and it is
essential that interested and capable
persons be elected."