University of Virginia Library

Nationwide Student Unrest
Causes New Disturbances

from Wire Dispatches

Black seminarians held the
chapel and the main building at
Colgate Rochester Divinity School
yesterday and Negro students spent
the night in the library at
Michigan's troubled Ferris State

The nation's seething campus
unrest showed no signs of
subsiding. Teachers ended their
eight-week strike at San Francisco
State College, but the student strike
continued at the school.

Student protesters and a few
faculty members began a "teach-in"
at Chicago Loyola University.

Faculty Debate

Arts and science faculty
members at Rutgers University's
Newark, N.J., campus went into
closed session to debate the school
administration's agreement
accepting all the demands of black
students who occupied a school
building for three days last week.

The divinity school rebels at
Rochester, N.Y., took over the
chapel and main building Sunday
afternoon while most of the
Colgate Rochester's 180 students
were taking part in a work-study
program at community churches.

The blacks chained and nailed
doors shut and said they would
remain until the administration
agreed to hire more Negro faculty
members and administrators. The
school has 17 black students.

Sixty black students refused to
leave the library at Ferris State, Big
Rapids, Mich., Sunday night,
claiming they feared for their
personal safety. Negro and white
students battled with fists and clubs
in a Ferris State dormitory last

Tougher Rules

The 60 emerged from the Ferris
library yesterday morning.
Afterward, Victor F. Spatheld,
Ferris president, announced tough
new rules providing expulsion and
criminal prosecution for anyone
inciting campus incidents. Ferris,
located 50 miles north of Grand
Rapids, has 8,200 students, 300 of
them Negroes.

Striking teachers voted Sunday
night to return to work at San
Francisco State. They had been
threatened with cancellation of
their classes. About 300 of the
school's 1,300 teachers were
involved in the eight-week strike.

The student strike, led by the
Black Students Union and the
Third World Liberation Front,
continued at San Francisco State
and student pickets remained
posted around the campus. San
Francisco State College has 16,000

A student committee seeking
changes in grading procedures,
comprehensive examinations and
rules on cutting class launched the
teach-in at Loyola, which has about
13,000 students.

More Unrest

Elsewhere on the campus unrest

Tennessee - Predominately
Negro Lane College, Jackson,
Tennessee, a Methodist school with
1,100 students, was shut down. The
school president ordered the closing
Sunday after two fires were set on
the campus. Students boycotted
classes at Lane, Friday, demanding
firing of a professor, changes in
scholarship rules, and dormitory

Wisconsin - A strike of black
students continued at the
University of Wisconsin but no
incidents were reported. Last
month, clashes between students
and police resulted in the dispatch
of the National Guard to the
32,000-student Madison Campus.

California - The strike of "third
world" students continued at the
Berkeley campus of the University
of California, where National
Guardsmen discharged clouds of
tear gas to disperse rock and bottle
throwing crowds last week.

Washington - Forty-three
students arrested during the
weekend for preventing a Colfax,
Washington, Sheriff from taking
custody of five black students were
free on bond. The five Washington
State University students were
convicted of assault as a result of a
January 20 invasion of a fraternity
house. The five had been scheduled
to begin a series of weekend jail