University of Virginia Library

Visitors Hike Rents
For Dorms, Increase
Tuition, Activity Fee

By Tom Jenks

An increase of $30 in dormitory
and housing rates, and a tuition
increase in the University's
Graduate School of Business
Administration were announced
last week following the December
meeting of the Board of Visitors of
the University. The increases are
scheduled to go into effect as of
September 1, 1969.

Under the new rates, rental for
dormitory rooms which now ranges
from $280 to $350 per session, will
be raised to a schedule of $310 to
$380. In addition, rental on
University housing for married
students will be raised $10 to $15
per month, an increase that already
has met opposition from the
student association there (see letter,
upper left) and rates on faculty
housing will be raised from
approximately $10 to $15 per

The exact breakdown on these
increases reads as follows; the rent
on double rooms on Alderman
Road and Observatory Hill will be
raised from $325 to $355 per
student, and on Monroe Hill from
$350 to $380. Renovated double
rooms on McCormick Road will
cost $330 next year, as opposed to
the present rate of $300 and
unrenovated double rooms will cost
$310. All single rooms on
McCormick Road will be increased
from $325 to $355.

Residents of the lawns and
ranges next year will be forced to
pay $330 for small single rooms,
$355 for large singles, and $310 for
the double rooms in the Cracker

Coed students living in Mary
Munford next year will pay $380
for single rooms and $330 for
double rooms.

All one, two, and three
bedroom apartment in Copeley Hill
and University Gardens will have an
across-the-board rent raise of $15,
as will the Piedmont Apartments,
which are faculty apartments. The
Farm House and Rugby faculty
apartments will have a $10 increase.

The only University housing
rent not to be raised is that of the
four-bedroom, unfurnished
apartments at 2404 Stadium Road,
the fee of which is $75 per month.

"The increases are necessary
because of the rising cost of
maintenance, custodial service and
administration of University
housing," said Chester Titus,
director of the Housing

Tuition charges in the graduate
School of Business Administration
for in-state students will be
increased from $560 to $680, while
charges for out-of-state students
will rise from $1,115 to $1,400.

In a letter addressed to
President Shannon, Charles C.
Abbott, Dean of the Graduate
School of Business Administration,