The Cavalier daily. Wednesday, October 30, 1968 | ||
Rush Rules For Weekend Changed;
Non-Discrimination Motion Passed
By Thom Faulders
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer
Rush rules were changed for the
upcoming weekend at Monday
night's meeting of the Inter
Fraternity Council to give the
rushees more time at the houses in
which to eat and meet brothers.
Meals before the South Carolina
game will now begin at 11 Saturday
morning instead of noon as
previously announced. For the
convenience of the rushes, rides
may be given to all first-year men
between the hours of 12:30 to 2 in
the afternoon and from 9:30 to 11
later that night.
There was a motion to change
the proposed hours for parties to a
later time, from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m.
This motion was defeated as many
houses have already made
arrangements for bands and
doormen. The hours for parties
remains 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
Non Discriminatory
The IFC became a non
discriminatory organization with a
motion by Bob Fisher at the
meeting. Mr. Fisher proposed that
the IFC not recognize any
fraternity at the University if it
arbitrarily discriminates in regard to
race, creed or national origin. All
fraternities with discriminatory
clauses in their constitutions must
either change the clause or face
non-recognition by the IFC.
Ed Hayes, president of the IFC.
when asked about the
nondiscriminatory motion
commented, "I hope to see
fraternities continue to move
towards eliminating discrimination,
and am sure as more Negroes attend
the University, they will become
increasingly involved in the
fraternity system."
New Ruling
In other business, the Housing
Committee reported on a new
Housing Office ruling. According to
the report, sprinkler systems are
required in all houses three stories
or more. This affects almost all
fraternity houses around the
Grounds and will cost anywhere
between six and twelve thousand
dollars for installation. As of now,
only two houses have the systems
installed. This rule excludes
buildings that are completely
fireproofed throughout even
though they may not have fire
resistant roofs. It was noted that
several buildings in the Monroe Hill
complex fit into this category.
In connection with the Housing
Office's ruling, the IFC set up a
new committee. Proposed and
temporarily chaired by George
Shipley, vice-president of the IFC,
the committee will be known as the
Future of Fraternity Housing
Committee and will include
members of the IFC, student
leaders, both student and faculty
architects, and faculty and
administration members.
The committee will operate to
fill four goals. It will attempt to
project the lifetime of each
fraternity building. It will work to
obtain clear statements from the
University officials regarding the
future of the fraternity houses. It
will survey houses to see if they
satisfy the present housing and
buildings conditions set up by the
Housing Office. Finally, it will set
up a seminar to instruct houses on
devising long term capital
accumulation plans.
After a plea to clean up all
houses after parties by the
following morning, Mr. Hayes urged
all members to, if possible, vote
affirmatively on the bond issue and
work for its passage.
The Cavalier daily. Wednesday, October 30, 1968 | ||