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Girls Schools Alter Policies
For Weekend Date Housing

By Thom Faulders
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

With the weekend phenomenon
rapidly approaching, young men's
minds do not dream of open books
and long lectures, but of young
ladies from the surrounding
schools and what antics they have
to perform to legally bring their
dates to Mr. Jefferson's Grounds.

Because of the inability of any
University organization to produce
an approved housing list due to the
addition of a non-discrimination
clause, many of the surrounding
female institutions have changed
their overnight policies for the
coming year.

Explaining their policy in an
editorial comment in the Hollins
student paper, Hollins Columns, a
student may stay in hotels and
motels in the town of
Charlottesville, but she must be in
her accommodations by 3 a.m.
without the accompaniment of her

Farmville can be proud of
Longwood College and its most
liberal overnight system of any
college around. The administration
trusts their girls and therefore,
overnights are unlimited and
accommodations are unrestricted.

Madison College, last year
perhaps the most restrictive on its
overnight policies, has also used the
parental permission plan for
accommodations and amount of
overnights. The Office of the Dean
of Student Affairs submitted that
there were very few parents who
withheld their permission.

The closest girls' school, Mary
Baldwin College, found the system
used last year adequate and plan on
continuing it. All underclassmen
must make arrangements with the
school social office as to where
they will stay for the weekend. The
school has their own list of
approved housing for Mary Baldwin
students to stay in. Seniors may
stay anywhere they like including
motels and hotels.

The women's extension of the
University, Mary Washington
College, has much the same rules as
it had last year. The student may
stay anywhere just so long as she
knows the address where she is
staying so that the sign-out card
may be filled out successfully.

Sweet Briar College has
followed suit with Hollins in letting
their students stay in motels and
hotels. The only catch is that the
girls are on their honor to obey the
3 a.m. curfew.

Radford College also follows the
parental permission plan, and all
students must be in by 3 a.m. With
an affirmative parental permission a