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Study Drag Relieved By Party Weekends
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Study Drag Relieved
By Party Weekends

By Thom Faulders
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Embarking on the life of a
Cavalier is not all books and sweat.
Occasionally there are diversions to
amuse the University student in his
hour of leisure.

Sounds of soul and hard rock
mixed and diluted with various
forms of liquid refreshment and
with Saturday afternoon athletic
contests form the core of Big
Weekends, Add a date and the
individual touch and then all one
needs is love.

Although not a part of Mr.
Jefferson's original plans, Big
Weekends have become as much a
part of University life as road trips,
Sunday afternoon polo, rocking
chairs on the lawn, or grabbing
something to eat at the Castle.

Large Variety

At one time lasting for a full
week, Big Weekends usually occupy
two-and-a-half days of a student's
time and offer the first-year man
everything from a swinging combo
at a packed fraternity house to a
more quiet folk concert in
University Hall to private
two-person parties complete with
blanket and concealable flask.

Studies are temporarily
forgotten and the emphasis is on
having a good time, a welcome if
not necessary respite from the
rigors of academic life. This is all a
part of the philosophy of study
hard, play hard.


Homecomings Weekend,
October 4 and 5, will be the
first-year man's initial experience
with the phenomenon of the Big
Weekend. The Temptations will
grace the stage of University Hall
for the Saturday night concert,
while the Wahoo gridders will
tackle the team from Davidson
University earlier that day. The
Weekend also marks the beginning
of rush, and all houses will be open
to every first-year man.

November 15-16 will mark the
dates for this year's Openings
Weekend, the peak of the Autumn
social season. Students and
their dates will dance to the sounds
of the Spenser Davis Group and the
Esquires on Friday evening in
Memorial Gym. Saturday afternoon
Scott Stadium will be the scene of a
meeting of the Cavaliers with the
Green Tide of Tulane University.
Later that night the Rascals and the
Procol Harem will move in to
entertain at University Hall.
Fraternities will open their doors
and be able to give rides to all
prospective rushees.


'Creeper' Sings Some Soul At Packed Fraternity Party

House Fun-Making Provides Bulk Of Weekend Gaieties

The two remaining Big
Weekends are Midwinters, February
21-22, and Easters, which takes
place on April 18-19. Both will
feature dances on Friday nights and
concerts the following night, but no
groups have been announced as yet.
Christmas parties will be on the
weekend of December 14 with the
Buckingham's performing. A host of
other "little" weekends include IFC
weekend, Military Weekend,